Friday, August 10, 2012

N 41° 50.364ʹ E 143° 22.525ʹ; 02.08.12

We took on another passenger in the waters off Hokkaido.  Now I know where they got the term Super Cargo.  Here I’d thought it had something to do with my character…

As it happens, the Super Cargo is the only person on board who is called by name, for I am always Mr. Joyce to the officers and crew.  Never Doug or Douglas—always Mr. Joyce.  In contrast, everyone else on board is only a title, and it’s normally in the third person, e.g., the 2nd Mate.  But they do have terms of endearment for one another: higher ranking officers are called Chief by the crew; the Ship’s Cook is usually Cookie; the Steward goes by Stewie.

Sometimes I wish that they’d just call me Supe.

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