Tuesday, August 7, 2012

N 50° 14.258ʹ W 160° 03.360ʹ; 26.07.12

As evidenced by this journal page from a previous incarnation, I have been fascinated by spiral petroglyphs (hint: look through the page as well as at it) for some time now—ever since visiting the Homo'lovi Ruins of Arizona and relating my findings to Edward Abbey’s essay on “Cowboys and Indians” for my 20th Century Fiction class.  Though I did see one spiral petroglyph at Chaco last month, the light was not good so I didn’t get a picture.  Bummer.

Imagine my delight, then, when I walked into the Super Cargo cabin and saw this on the floor:

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Cosmic humor, confirming that you are on the right path :-)
