Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another Saturday Night, 28.07.12

We’re crossing the International Dateline today, so we jumped straight from Thursday, July 26 to Saturday, July 28.  Friday just never happened aboard the Hanjin Boston.

Lucky for me, that means I may actually get to eat three Saturday lunches on board, and that can only mean one thing:  an extra serving of eintopf!  Last week it was made with white beans, which I thought tasted great; however, the Captain complained so this week we had it with mung beans.  As far as I’m concerned, it’s not about the beans; it’s all about the pork and sausages.  And that ain’t no hot dog either: it’s weiner!

I’ll be celebrating our crossing of the dateline this afternoon with cheroot and chardonnay—the former purchased after selling White Fang in Santa Barbara, the latter bought from the ship stores.  That bottle of California vintage cost me $3.60!

Then tonight after dinner the whole ship is celebrating the 3rd Engineer’s birthday.  I wonder, though … how do we know his birthday should be celebrated today?  I mean, it could have been yesterday, but Friday never happened.  And today is simply yesterday’s tomorrow, so how can he be another year older today when there wasn’t any yesterday?

The ship’s Super Cargo in action:

 Photograph by Ship’s Steward, Ronald Lavilla.  Thanks, Ron!

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