Tuesday, August 7, 2012

N 50° 14.258ʹ W 160° 03.360ʹ; 26.07.12


As patterns of organic energy
    we think, we move
Wave functions interacting
    may be closer to the truth
Dancing with the shadows
    on the wall of the cave
You get used to being excited
    by another wave

But wave functions today
    interact less lastingly
The fourth dimension is dynamic
    and so are we
So many opportunities
    for us to explore
You forsook our domain
    when you found a new door

        Wu Li
        The ripples just crossed my mind again
        I remember being in love
        My God, how we rippled the universe
        Forever somewhere in love

When once two wave functions have met
    in harmonic convergence
They set up ripples that describe
    that cosmic event
Throughout the universe our love
    is transmitted
As the fourth dimension echoes
    forever unlimited

        Wu Li
        The ripples just crossed my mind again
        I remember being in love
        My God, how we rippled the universe
        Forever somewhere in love

Now and then the wave function
    that is me
Finds itself at a junction in
    fourth dimensionality
An echoing valley
    in the landscape of time
Where I'm swept by ripples of passion
    that you and I defined

        Wu Li
        The ripples just crossed my mind again
        I remember being in love
        My God, how we rippled the universe
        Forever somewhere in love

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